Explore the Bible with BibleTalk.

Discover the wisdom and insights of the Bible powered by AI through natural language interactions.

Natural Language Conversations

Engage in conversations with the chatbot using natural language for a seamless Bible exploration experience.

Multilingual Support

Explore the Bible in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. Switch between languages to access the content that resonates with you.

24/7 Availability

Access the chatbot anytime, anywhere. Get instant answers and guidance from the Bible whenever you need it.

What is BibleTalk

Discover the Bible through Conversations.

BibleTalk chatbot is an experimental project that leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and semantic search to facilitate Bible search based on the Scriptures. With the goal of making biblical wisdom more accessible and user-friendly, BibleTalk enables users to engage in natural language conversations to explore the Bible and receive relevant insights.

  • Explore the Bible through natural language conversations.
  • Find answers to your questions and guidance for life's challenges.
  • Access a vast collection of Bible verses in multiple languages.

BibleTalk chatbot adalah sebuah proyek yang memanfaatkan kecerdasan buatan (AI) dan pencarian semantik untuk memfasilitasi pencarian Alkitab berdasarkan kitab suci. Dengan tujuan membuat hikmat Alkitab lebih mudah diakses dan ramah pengguna, BibleTalk memungkinkan pengguna untuk terlibat dalam percakapan menggunakan bahasa alami untuk menjelajahi Alkitab dan menerima wawasan yang relevan.

  • Temukan Alkitab melalui percakapan menggunakan bahasa alami.
  • Dapatkan jawaban untuk pertanyaanmu dan panduan dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup.
  • Akses koleksi ayat Alkitab yang luas dalam berbagai bahasa.
Get in Touch
This project is an experimental AI-powered chatbot. Contact us for any inquiries.
Questions & Answers

Any Questions? Find here.

Don’t find your answer here? just send us a message for any query.

Send Us Message

BibleTalk is completely free to use. There are no charges or hidden costs.

BibleTalk is available on Telegram Messenger. Simply add the BibleTalk bot to your Telegram contacts and start chatting.

To change the preferred language, simply use the /language command and select your desired language.

BibleTalk is an experimental project, and there might be instances where the bot's response could be incorrect or out of context. If you come across any such response, we appreciate your feedback. Please report it to us so that we can improve the system and provide more accurate answers.